The Marsden Group, Inc.
July 2020



Unity Developer, Project Management


Desktop, iOS, Android


Digital Twins, UI Design, Prototypes

My Role

While I was at The Marsden Group, I was responsible for the full development cycle for digital twins from project scopes, design drafting, 3D modeling, backend development, and UI/UX development. There were three major challenges when rapidly growing this product:

  • Scalable Growth - How can we maintain a stable backend while deploying to several factories per month, with each factory potentially streaming large amounts of telemetric data?
  • User-Friendly Design - How can we design an application that maintains the same depth as a Human-Machine Interface located on the factory floor, while being responsive and maintaining modern design principles?
  • Multi-platform - How can we get this application in the hands of all employees of an organization, from managers to line workers?

Project Overview

AssetIQ is a tool that opens the door to a wide array of diagnostics to increase production and assist the user in making key business decisions. It is used to stream real-time telemetry from a production site (factory, oil rig, etc.) to a full 3D visualization on a PC or mobile device. I was brought on in this project's infancy and was responsible for developing new features and maintaining the rapid deployment of key sites for Unilever & Anheuser Busch along with setting up product demos for various clients that wanted to adopt AssetIQ for their company.

This project was the kick-off for Microsoft Inspire 2019. In the video below you can see a demonstration of AssetIQ's capabilities by Unilever's Chief Engineer Dave Penrith.


AssetIQ was developed to serve as a platform for any industry that wanted to view industrial processes and its associated data in real-time. The primary client that the application is used by is Unilever, with the aim of rolling out AssetIQ to its 300+ factories around the globe. Each deployment came with a unique and complex engineering problem that affected the factory and its supply chain. For instance, a Dove shampoo factory in South America could be dealing with high levels of wasted product with no clear way to visualize it while production is live, or a perfume factory in Europe needs to monitor recipe changes overtime to ensure the integrity of the product between shift changes. These problems often required rapid deployment, so new features had to be drafted and implemented within 4-8 weeks per factory. In addition, AssetIQ has been used to demonstrate similar value propositions to PepsiCo, British Petroleum, & Anheuser Busch.

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By Christmas 2019, I personally deployed 40+ factories to AssetIQ, each ranging in scope and data. To ensure scalability, I created region-based WebJobs with filters that could be more easily throttled depending on the data throughput. I created dozens of 3D models and with the help of other modelers, expanded the 3D asset catalog ten-fold.

During my time on this project, I helped design several prototypes to expand AssetIQ's capabilities in other industries. Each prototype was typically a rapid two-week sprint, leaving us with concepts we would then cycle back into the core product to expand its features and design.  

Lastly, we branched out beyond building for desktop PCs and began publishing builds for the Android, iOS, and the Windows store with the goal of getting this application in the hands of all stakeholders involved at each site. I assisted in the implementation of Azure Active Directory to ensure safe login and integrity of sensitive site data.

Key Takeaways

Before departing The Marsden Group, I was able to assist over 50 Unilever factories in providing rapid insights into problems they may be facing. Furthermore, these capabilities were expanded to other companies and industries, which was used to create a product that could eventually be "plug & play" for any Fortune 500 company aiming to tackle complex logistical and engineering problems. I also assisted in scoping and drafting the next version of AssetIQ, with a list of features that will surely make it a leader in digital twin technology in the near future.